“For BOTH Practicing Leaders approaching the peak of their career AND for Professional Coaches, Trainers, and Mentors ready to transform organizational structures and embrace leadership as a calling.”
Welcome to the PROFESSION of Building Executive Leaders
GAPLD delivers training and certification to only those select and pre-qualified applicants who are dedicated to the PROFESSION OF BUILDING BETTER LEADERS.
Our Community
As a community of practice dedicated to life-long learning and upgrading, GAPLD is committed to the provision of added Conferences, Upgrading Workshops, and other ongoing networking and training events.
The Professional Leader
The gold standard for preparing leaders for the challenges of the 21st century
The Flourishing Leader
Are you happy? Best practices in self-development and the applications of Positive Psychology for stronger leadership.
The Thinking Leader
Higher-level cognitive skills and emotional intelligence for leadership, and to improve executive decision-making.
The Nature-Inspired Leader
What can nature teach us about the true "laws" of leadership?